Saturday, November 22, 2008

Usborne E-Show

Hello Everyone~
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am having an e-show! My show is for Usborne children's books. I love these books they are the best books. Harper has a lot of these books, and he enjoys them so much. Please check them out if you want. Books make such a great Christmas gift. You can either purchase online here and the books will be shipped to your house. Or you can leave me a comment with your email, and I can get your order that way. If you go this way the books will be shipped to my house and then I will deliver them to you. I am closing on Tuesday November 25th, 2008. That is also the last day you can buy online.

Thanks so much,



teriandbristol said...

I love your Christmas blog!!! Yay! I am so excited for Christmas. Bristol loves your house, btw. We need to bring our order form over for our books. I will probably do it tomorrow. Bristol misses Harp, we need to get them together!